Sunday, October 2, 2011

It has been one week!

It has been one week since baby C has been with us! We are slowly learning about her and she is learning about all of us! In this past week, we have had 3 social worker visits and are now, officially done our homestudy! We are currently waiting to review it. All our visits, references and the SW's observations are complied into an approx 40 page document. Our SW warned us that it may seem weird to be reading about yourself as another sees it, but Joel and I are excited to read it! We have nothing to hide and I think this makes the process so much easier, being open and honest!
Also, I feel soo bad and guilty, but we think we have found the reasoning behind baby C being a little more fussy than expected, she has a soother and is addicted to it! Joel started the visits with baby C and no one mentioned it, there was just one in the bag. So, I put it in our carryon bag and that's where it stayed until Wednesday when I was sitting on the couch, listening to baby C and not being about to console here, and the big old light bulb went off, the soother! I went and gave it to her and you'd think we'd starved her by her reaction to it! We are not used to this, as neither of our kids would even look at a soother and here baby C loves hers! So, we had to go to Walmart and buy some back up ones. We are trying to break her of the need for the soother but we do understand that she is a baby and transitioning into this new life, so she gets it, just maybe not as often as she feels ( which is 24/7!)
I am hoping to post some pictures in the next few days, with 3 kids and work, it seems I never have enough time to breath, let alone go on the computer! And as Isaiah has it, Cars is on the computer 24/7 and it's a battle just to check emails with him!

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