Monday, September 26, 2011

We lost, but we won..

All this time we have been set towards this one magical day of court.. Dreaming for months on end what the moment would bring, how we would feel, how amazing it will be to have baby C here with us, for good.. But, apparently, according to our S.W. today, we lost court.. They had submitted that we get baby C for a permanent amount of time (being until she was 18yr old) and sister in law and brother in law changed their mind and only wanted temp.. However, this is what the original plan was for temp, why did they submit permanent?
So what does this mean you may ask? Right now, we don't really know.
In the meantime, we are in love and tired.. This tiredness honestly feels like when I brought my babies home from the hospital.. Your body is running on this natural high, you sleep, but don't feel rested, the days go by so quick and you want them to slow down to savoir the sweet moments that happen.. I'm not to sure if this tiredness is due to the fact that we spent an incredibly loooong time in the hotel with 3 kids ( well, WE felt like it was a long time) or the fact that we are dealing with time changes or the fact that everyone is sick with a nasty cold or maybe the combination of all 3?? With this being said, I wouldn't change it for a thing.. Baby C is here, with us, where she belongs! From the moment I got off the plane, she has called me momma and only wants me.. Which at times I love, but other times I really want her to bond with Joel since I will be heading back to work this week end and as we all know, Joel stays home with the kids full time..
Baby C is adjusting well from our view. But our on S.W. warned us that sometimes babies this small can put on a "front" or "honeymoon" phase, but states it never lasts longer than a month.. With today being done ( kids all in bed) I think our honeymoon phase is ending.. Baby C has shown us that she hates being taken out of the bath, doesn't like it when momma kisses or hugs anyone but her, doesn't like her car seat and sometimes, just doesn't know what she wants! This has all been expressed by little miniature tantrums, which I find oddly amusing! Watching this tiny thing ( have I mention how small she is, I swear she is the size of my kids at 10 months, minus a few pounds) throw herself around in what she thinks is the world ending tantrum when really, she sounds like a little sheep baaing!!
I hope to update once we get more information, but our days are filled right now with S.W. appointments ( it's nice they come to the house, but that also means we need to have a somewhat presentable house!), getting Pax back in the routine of school and trying to figure out how life will work as a family of 5! Please keep praying for us!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Part 2 of homestudy complete!

Our updates today so far is that we completed part 2 or 4 for our homestudy last night. She did the walk through and interviewed us individually. I didn't find the interview that bad, we have nothing to hid so there's no worries about what we say or lying, so that makes things easier, in mu opinion!
And now, we're packing! Our hotel and rental van are booked. We ended up upgrading to a family suite at our cost. I felt nap times and good sleep is important for everyone in this transition to come!
I won't be updating the blog until we get back and things are settled down! Please continue to pray and send positive thoughts to us in this transition and especially for baby C, whose little world will completely change..

Monday, September 12, 2011

Flights are officially booked!!

We FINALLY got our itinerary's for our flights and now can officially say they are booked and Joel and the kids are leaving Friday morning!! I then leave Tuesday night on the red eye and get into Ontario on Wednesday morning! We are still waiting on confirmation for a hotel as the two we had previously chosen are booked solid and with 3 kids ( 2 being under 2!) we really need a suite! Hopefully, we will find that out soon!

As well, today we found out what is going on for court. Technically, we are doing the exact same thing as people who are adopting a child, we are no longer doing kinship. This means we are fully responsible for baby C in every aspect of life.. The only difference between this and adopting is that our names do not get placed on the birth certificate.. Baby C will officially be "out of the system" and we won't have to answer to social workers, etc once she is in our care and the homestudy done!

Friday, September 9, 2011

the past 24 hours..

Have been crazy! On top of trying to figure out flights, hotels, changing shifts and praying for granted vacation days the Home study worker called up last night at 8PM wanting to set up the first part of the home study ( what! wait a minute, parts? with an S?) for the next day (being today) or Saturday. We have company coming this week end, so we choose today at 530pm.
So, the homestudy lady came over and explained everything to us. The homestudy goes in parts.. Part 1: Couple interview Part 2: Indivial interview and walk through of the house Part 3 indivial interview Part 4 Tie together loose ends, ensure things pointed out in walk through are complete.. So, tonight, she picked us apart! And definitely NOT in a bad way, pretty much she wanted to see if we were in this and in it for the long run.. She asked us questions of every kind, from our parenting styles, what we loved and hated about eachother, how we met, how long we dated before living together, our support networks and our infertility ( that I was expecting but not expecting how hard it would be to talk about it) She then went to ask us what we would do if baby C gets diagnosed with FAS.. Our response, the same thing if one of our children were to be diagnosed with a disability, deal with it and adjust life and move on! She wanted to know how we felt the children would be affected by baby C coming, how it will affect our family as a whole.. These questions weren't hard, because this is all stuff we discussed before even considering going through with this process, it was just weird to tell someone and them take note which will then be presented to us in a 40 page report!
So, part 2 will take place on Wednesday.. Once all these steps are said and done it's a 3 1/2 week turn over, so we will have baby C before the homestudy is officially "stamped"
And in true standing, our S.W. was supposed to call us this afternoon with our flight and hotel information and guess what, he didn't call! UGH! So, I guess once the ball gets rolling it gets rolling and here we're standing on top of this ball trying not to fall off!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Slight change of plans..

Joel spoke with our S.W. in Ontario today about our trip! Apparently now, Joel must be present for the court date on Sept 20th along with sister and brother in law. So now, Joel needs to be in Thunder Bay earlier than we planned so he can do visits with baby C! The plan is now for Joel, Pax and Isaiah to fly in on the Friday.. I will then fly in either on the Tuesday night or Wednesday morning flight. Joel and the kids then have to drive 4 1/2 hours to the town where mother in law lives and where baby C is currently in respite care. They will all then drive back to Thunder Bay on Tuesday morning as we will find out the court time at the last minute.
After court is said and done, Joel will set up in the hotel with the kids and then I should be there shortly after or the next day! We will stay in the hotel until coming home! Oh, and S.W. is paying for the hotel room, major bonus as we have to rent a vehicle while we are there!
Now, as excited as I am for all this to be happening, Joel is taking my babies away from me for almost an entire 5-6 days! I am soo sad about this! The last time I was away from Pax this long was when she was 2 and I moved out here first.. Isaiah, I have only left my precious baby for one night and I almost died, I missed him soo much! It doesn't help that I am his favourite person right now.. I KNOW I will be busy with work, sleep and getting the last minute things done around the house, and I KNOW this will be easier with no kids trying to "help out".. But, I KNOW this is all for the better! I told Joel he's leaving the house with 2 kids and coming home with 3, how amazing is that!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

More great news!

Getting through the long week end was very stressful, 3 entire days with no "real" news! S.W. in Ontario called this morning to explain things a little better.. So here is the scoop!
Court date is at the end of Sept; at this court date sister in law and brother in law will sign their rights for baby C away (with this being said, they can apply at anytime to get them back, but they must prove to a judge that they are better and have been stable for a few years d/t their history) Soo, the BIG news is that if sister and bro in law keep agreeing there will be NO SECOND COURT DATE!!!
S.W. stated Joel would fly out a few days before the court date to do visits, then after Sept 20th, we can come home, as a family of 5!!!! He said he would call us in the next few days with more specifics! Joel spoke with sister in law yesterday and she sounds clean and still very supportive of baby C coming here!!
Again, I will say it, the love, support and prayers from everyone has been this possible and words cannot thank each and everyone of you for it! I am a believer in God and Karma and both will bless each and everyone of you!!