Monday, September 12, 2011

Flights are officially booked!!

We FINALLY got our itinerary's for our flights and now can officially say they are booked and Joel and the kids are leaving Friday morning!! I then leave Tuesday night on the red eye and get into Ontario on Wednesday morning! We are still waiting on confirmation for a hotel as the two we had previously chosen are booked solid and with 3 kids ( 2 being under 2!) we really need a suite! Hopefully, we will find that out soon!

As well, today we found out what is going on for court. Technically, we are doing the exact same thing as people who are adopting a child, we are no longer doing kinship. This means we are fully responsible for baby C in every aspect of life.. The only difference between this and adopting is that our names do not get placed on the birth certificate.. Baby C will officially be "out of the system" and we won't have to answer to social workers, etc once she is in our care and the homestudy done!

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