Friday, September 9, 2011

the past 24 hours..

Have been crazy! On top of trying to figure out flights, hotels, changing shifts and praying for granted vacation days the Home study worker called up last night at 8PM wanting to set up the first part of the home study ( what! wait a minute, parts? with an S?) for the next day (being today) or Saturday. We have company coming this week end, so we choose today at 530pm.
So, the homestudy lady came over and explained everything to us. The homestudy goes in parts.. Part 1: Couple interview Part 2: Indivial interview and walk through of the house Part 3 indivial interview Part 4 Tie together loose ends, ensure things pointed out in walk through are complete.. So, tonight, she picked us apart! And definitely NOT in a bad way, pretty much she wanted to see if we were in this and in it for the long run.. She asked us questions of every kind, from our parenting styles, what we loved and hated about eachother, how we met, how long we dated before living together, our support networks and our infertility ( that I was expecting but not expecting how hard it would be to talk about it) She then went to ask us what we would do if baby C gets diagnosed with FAS.. Our response, the same thing if one of our children were to be diagnosed with a disability, deal with it and adjust life and move on! She wanted to know how we felt the children would be affected by baby C coming, how it will affect our family as a whole.. These questions weren't hard, because this is all stuff we discussed before even considering going through with this process, it was just weird to tell someone and them take note which will then be presented to us in a 40 page report!
So, part 2 will take place on Wednesday.. Once all these steps are said and done it's a 3 1/2 week turn over, so we will have baby C before the homestudy is officially "stamped"
And in true standing, our S.W. was supposed to call us this afternoon with our flight and hotel information and guess what, he didn't call! UGH! So, I guess once the ball gets rolling it gets rolling and here we're standing on top of this ball trying not to fall off!

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